With over 500 customer installations in over 40 countries, CarteNav is a leader of C4ISR Mission Software. The Canadian based team has built its reputation on achieving operator capabilities that extend far beyond the status quo. CarteNav’s flagship products, AIMS-ISR and AIMS-C4, create a complete mission data lifecycle that exceeds today’s diverse operational requirements
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CarteNav in AirMed&Rescue
- https://www.airmedandrescue.com/latest/long-read/beyond-search-rescue-how-heliwest-delivers-multiple-isr-missions
Beyond Search & Rescue: How Heliwest Delivers Multiple ISR Missions
Located on Australia’s rugged west coast, Heliwest achieves ISR excellence for multiple special mission types. Missions include fire mapping, search and rescue, and linear surveillance – all executed using one common ISR mission system: AIMS-ISR.